Understanding Pediatric Urology : An insight into your child’s Health

Pediatric urology is a specialized field that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract and genital issues in children. Parents often find themselves concerned and perplexed when faced with such delicate matters involving their little ones. In this guide, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of pediatric urology, ensuring you have the knowledge needed to navigate through potential concerns seamlessly.

Common Pediatric Urological Conditions

1. Hydronephrosis : Unlocking the Basics
Hydronephrosis, the dilation of the kidneys, is a common condition in infants. While it may resolve on its own, understanding the signs and symptoms is crucial. We delve into the causes, symptoms, and potential treatment options, offering clarity to concerned parents.

2. Urinary Tract Infections (UTI’s) in Children
UTIs in children can be challenging to detect. Our guide explores the subtle signs that might indicate a UTI, preventive measures, and when it's time to seek professional medical advice. Knowledge empowers parents to take proactive steps in safeguarding their child's urinary health.

Navigating Paediatric Urological Procedures

1. Circumcision : Addressing Common Concerns
Circumcision is a choice many parents face, often accompanied by numerous questions. We discuss the procedure, potential benefits, and address common concerns. This information aids parents in making informed decisions about their child's health.

2. Vesicoureteral Reflux ( VUR): A Closer Look
VUR is a condition where urine flows backward from the bladder into the kidneys. Our guide elucidates the causes, symptoms, and treatment options, empowering parents with the knowledge necessary to collaborate with healthcare professionals.

Expert Advice and Resources

1. Consulting a Pediatric Urologist : When and Why ?
Knowing when to consult a pediatric urologist is pivotal. We outline red flags that warrant professional intervention and provide insights into how these specialists can support your child's health journey.

2. Support Groups and Online Resources: Building a Community
Navigating pediatric urological challenges can be emotionally taxing. We highlight the importance of community support and introduce reliable online resources where parents can find guidance, share experiences, and seek comfort.

Conclusion : Empowering Parents Trough Knowledge

In conclusion, pediatric urology is a nuanced field that demands awareness and understanding. Armed with knowledge, parents can confidently address concerns related to their child's urinary health. This guide serves as a comprehensive resource, ensuring that parents are well-equipped to make informed decisions and advocate for their child's well-being.

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Kidney Stones

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Our Services

Kidney Stone

RIRS is a endoscopic surgery which allows to rich the kidney from the ureter. A flexible ureteroscope is used for these kind of procedure

Kidney Transplant Surgery

A kidney transplant is a surgery to place a healthy kidney from a living donor into a person whose kidneys no longer function properly.


Urology is a surgical speciality that deals with the treatment of conditions involving the male and female urinary tract and the male reproductive organs.


Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a health issue that becomes more common with age.

A-V Fistula & Ralated Vascular Access Surgery

An arteriovenous fistula is when an artery and vein connect directly, allowing blood to flow incorrectly.

Andrology and male infertility

Andrology is the study of male diseases and male health, particularly relating to male reproductive problems and urological problems that are unique to men.